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Chesed Week at SAR Academy

Each year, in honor of Parashat Vayerah, SAR Academy students learn that, like Avraham and Sarah, they too can build a better world through acts of Chesed. This week of education and kindness is called “Chesed Week”. Now more than ever, when our thoughts and prayers are wholly focused on the safety and security of each and every member of Klal Yisrael, our acts of Chesed hold immense significance and have the potential to create a profound impact. During this longstanding SAR tradition, Chesed Week, students entered a Chesed Tent (yes a physical tent!) to actively engage in hands-on acts of Chesed by reaching in to help our local community and reaching out to support Israel and beyond. This year, student Chesed projects benefited KCI Food Pantry, MSAWI, the Ellie Ruby Foundation, Keren Or, Children of Kibbutz Sa’ad, Tomchei Shabbos, Leket, Pantry Packers, Hatzalah, the Tekoa Library, and more! Thank you to the many parent volunteers, sponsors, and all those who coordinated the many activities and projects.