Imagine a school with no walls
or barriers, where every student
is unique… This is SAR!
בכל־דרכיך דעהו והוא יישר ארחתיך
SAR Academy and SAR High School is a Modern Orthodox co-educational day school located in Riverdale, New York City.
Our Mission
SAR Academy
SAR Academy is dedicated to the philosophy that every child possesses a divine spark and the educational goals of:
- Fostering a community of b’nai and b’not torah who demonstrate sensitivity for their peers, respect for their teachers and environment, loyalty to their country, and an appreciation of the differences in others.
- Advancing and developing each student towards a value and mastery of Hebrew language, Judaic Studies, and General Studies.
- Raising our students’ connection to Hashem (Ahavat Hashem and Yir’at Shamayim), commitment to Talmud Torah, observance of Mitzvot and connection to Medinat Yisrael.
- Educating by nurturing and challenging each student to reach his or her individual potential.
SAR High School
SAR High School is a Modern Orthodox co-educational community of learners dedicated to:
- Recognizing the unique needs and potential of each individual challenging each learner to move beyond his or her comfortable limits
- Probing and engaging the world with humility and openness to God’s creations
- Immersing themselves in a culture of learning and service as participants in the grand conversation between Torah and the world
- Shaping an environment of discourse and action where mitzvot inspire respect, obligation and aspiration
- Cultivating a deep respect for and devotion to Medinat Yisrael (the State of Israel).
Our Theme of the Year

Start your journey with SAR
A Letter from the Principal
Dear Friend,
Learning that takes place at SAR is
predicated on the understanding that all children possess a divine spark,
that they all have a unique contribution to make to this world, and that
they will perform their best when they are joyfully engaged as active and
confident learners. SAR’s open architecture, both physical and
philosophical, promotes open thinking, boundless energy, and a warmth that
Our students feel confident about themselves, about their questions, and about their achievements, both academic and social. Their confidence, in turn, transforms their schooling from a passive understanding to living ownership of the work and learning they enjoy every day.
We emphasize relationships, in which all members of the school, students and faculty alike, interact in ways that reflect respect, collaboration, and a shared commitment to Torah and mitzvot.
Here we live Judaism. We care for one another and for our school community, and we accept our responsibilities as world citizens as we challenge each other to grow every day. We invite you to come and experience SAR for yourself, and observe our commitment to helping students move beyond their comfortable limits as they grow as learners and human beings.

A Letter from the Principals
Dear Friend,
Upon walking through the open air spaces of SAR High School, one immediately senses the warmth, vibrancy and inspiration that permeate the building. One is greeted by smiling faces, students happy to come each day to learn Torah and general studies with teachers, administration and staff who love, respect and care for them deeply. The spirit of inquiry and exploration is infectious. The SAR High School environment is one that promotes deep learning and growth along with a spirit of joy, respect and care for each other.
We are so proud to be a mission driven, coeducational Modern Orthodox yeshiva high school. SAR High School is committed to creating a community of learners dedicated to shaping thoughtful and caring young men and women with a deep commitment to Torah and mitzvot as well as a deep concern for the world around them. At SAR, we believe that Torah shapes how we see the world and how we see the world informs our understanding of Torah. A spirit of critical inquiry merges with profound respect and dedication for halakhic practice and Jewish values.
Advisory, Beit Midrash fellows, grade meetings, shabbatonim – and a rich array of curricular and co-curricular programming – provide students with many opportunities to find their voice and explore their passions and talents outside the classroom. SAR High School is committed to helping students move beyond their comfortable limits as they grow as learners and human beings.
We hope that you enjoy visiting our website. Better yet, come visit us. We look forward to welcoming you in person to SAR High School.

Rabbi Tully Harcsztark and Rabbi Jonathan Kroll