🇮🇱 SUPPORT ISRAEL TODAY! 🇮🇱 Join U.S.-Kfar Aza Awareness Campaign Register for the SAR High School Open House - Sunday, September 22

SAR is proud to deliver an excellent educational journey that helps shape intellectually independent, creative, and curious students, rooted in Torah and mitzvot.

Our community helps fund initiatives that are creative, compassionate, and innovative. The core value of our school is our scholarship program which ensures every child has a place at SAR

We recognize that tzedakah is a highly personal matter. It is also an extraordinarily meaningful way to become involved in the life and growth of an organization, and a mission, in which you believe. There are many opportunities throughout the school year to provide support for SAR initiatives.

Payment Options | Become a Sponsor | Annual Giving Options | Legacy Giving

Make a Gift

Your contribution to SAR (optional: In tribute, in honor of someone), sustains our reputation for excellence. Gifts of any amount are appreciated!


Existing Pledge

Click here to make a payment on an existing pledge.


Day of Learning

SAR is proud to offer an opportunity for our community to sponsor a Day of Learning at SAR Academy and SAR High School.


Sponsorships & Events

Support this year's programs and events


Make your gift to our students' events and special programming

Gradewide Schoolwide

High School

Make your gift to our students' events and special programming

Gradewide Schoolwide BeeCause

Anniversary Dinner

It's not too late to support SAR’s 55th Anniversary Campaign and support our tuition assistance program.

Donate Here

Bee4SAR - Shavuot Appeal

Our commitment to Torah and passion for transmitting Torah values to our children is celebrated with this spirited day kickoff of our Shavuot Appeal.

Save the Date: May 28, 2024

Annual Programs

Consider one gift to cover a year of support.

Guardian Circle

The Guardian Circle, SAR’s major donor program, provides critical funds for delivering on the mission of SAR.


Grand Society

For grandparents, an opportunity to support the Jewish education of your grandchildren.



For High School parents, support of our annual programming and events.


Special Initiatives

The Cooper Fund

Special assistance offered at the principal’s discretion to take care of children, families, and faculty members in the SAR community when they are in financial need.


Legacy Giving

Directing your gift to the SAR Endowment helps ensure that Jewish education is accessible to future generations.


Payment Instructions

Thank you for your contribution! Making your gift should be easy, select your preferred payment method below.

Ways to make a gift: