Gan Ilan
At Gan Ilan, our rooftop garden, children are nurtured as they nurture beautiful things to grow. Children have the opportunity each week to engage in meaningful garden work, learn how food and plants grow, and plant a variety of foods and flowers.
Lessons are anchored on scientific hypotheses, on specific psukim or Midrash, on related children’s literature, or around art concepts and different artists including Georgia O’Keeffe, Monet, Chris Onesto, Andy Warhol, and more. Gan Ilan donates 90% of its produce to various food pantries in the Bronx and Bergen County.
Grand Gallery
הגלריה האדירה

SAR is delighted to open a gallery welcoming and connecting families, students, parents, and grandparents as we experience ARTS & Enrichment workshops, lectures and events. הגלריה האדירה will help build connection-the communal currency of humanity, linking one person to another and one generation to the next-allowing transmission of values, deepening commitment to Jewish identity and to collective and personal narrative, and toward fostering fulfillment and meaning in our lives. Our mission is to facilitate these outcomes, reflecting SAR’s values. The GRAND Gallery will house a permanent collection of SAR History, rotating exhibits, hands-on family workshops, and GRAND and me classes.
KCI at SAR High School
Chesed is a major component of SAR’s mission, enabling our students to probe and engage the world with humility.

SAR High School, The KCI Food Pantry and The Met Council joined together to build a fully functioning food pantry, where students help receive deliveries, stock shelves for in-person shopping experiences, pack and deliver boxes to families in need in Riverdale, Yonkers, New Rochelle, Pelham Parkway, Co-Op City, White Plains, and Washington Heights, serving approximately 80 families per month.

As our students begin once again to probe and engage the world with humility through work with our partner sites, we are fortunate and proud to have such an opportunity, which helps our hundreds of SAR High School students work on “who they become” on our own campus.
– Rabbi Danny Kroll, Assistant Principal
PACT ( Parents Act Call Talk)

PACT (Parents Ask Call Talk) is a multifaceted program that reaches out to our school community to strengthen the bonds of communication between parents and children, parents and parents, and parents and the school. One of the guiding principles of PACT is to present our adolescent students/children and parents with healthy, developmentally appropriate messages to combat the much louder and ubiquitous messages that they receive from popular culture. Whether it be about alcohol and substance use, sexuality, or teenage life outside the walls of school, we seek to educate and open up the lines of communication and partnership. The goals of PACT are expressed through parent meetings, PACT communications, school policies, Advisory and schoolwide programming.
There will be one PACT program for the parents of each grade, addressing issues particular to that stage of a student’s school and family life, from navigating high school realities to parenting a child with one foot out the door.
As a result of Machon Siach’s initiatives around substance use and student wellbeing, SAR now offers an evidence-based parenting program called Guiding Good Choices that run multiple time per year. Parents interested in enrolling in a Guiding Good Choices cohort should email [email protected].
Artist – in – Residence @ SAR High School
The Artist-in-Residence project is an annual occurrence at SAR High School, where students have the opportunity to work alongside a professional New York area artist on a one of a kind installation that will be exhibited in the school.
This year SAR High School is fortunate to host the multi-disciplinary artist and SAR HS Alum, graduating class of 2013, Orli Swergold!

Project Description:
Artist-in-Residence participants will collaborate to create a large-scale sculptural painting that investigates our relationship to nature. Together we will explore what it means to view ourselves as part of nature rather than as separate entities. We will begin with free sketching time, then we will fuse elements of our drawings together into one large drawing. Afterwards, we will transform our large-scale combined drawing into an ambitious sculptural painting made from non-traditional materials. We will experiment with metal, paper pulp, and alternative materials from our environment.
About Orli Swergold:
Since graduating from SAR in 2013, I earned a BA in Studio Art and Art History at Brandeis University (2018) and an MFA in painting at the Rhode Island School of Design (2021). This year I participated in a group show at 81 Leonard Gallery in conjunction with the Jewish Art Salon, exhibited my first solo show at Room 68 in Wellfleet, MA, and curated a group exhibition at the Cigar Factory in Long Island City. I currently work at ACA Galleries in Chelsea, NY and am a member of the co-op artist gallery Soloway in Brooklyn, where I also live and maintain a studio.
Machon Siach

Machon Siach at SAR High School honoring the memory of Belda Kaufman Lindenbaum seeks to develop educators as thought leaders by providing opportunities for ‘practical learning and scholarship.’ We create opportunities for educational experimentation and innovation that result from our ‘practical learning.’ We nurture collaboration among educators, parents, alumni and other organizations and experts through which to meaningfully engage with contemporary educational challenges. Click here to visit