The GRAND Gallery at SAR Academy

Renowned artist Tobi Kahn visited SAR Academy’s GRAND Gallery for the opening of his exhibit: LOOKING. SEEING. BEING., followed by a well-attended hands-on family workshop led by Tobi himself. Tobi Kahn is a painter and sculptor whose work can be found in major museum, corporate, and private collections. Tobi shared his work including paintings and Jewish ritual objects. Following that, Tobi led families in creating and designing a Tzedek Box. This is a new method of connecting people to the Jewish practice of tikkun olam, repairing the Jewish world. The Tzedek Box each family designed was a meaningful way to record and remember each time over the course of a year that we contribute to the world’s healing and are devoted to reflecting and recommitting to the work of pursuing justice toward building a better world. Tobi said, “I have been inspired by the emerging Jewish ritual of a tzedek box, to which we add notes that capture our thoughts each time we do a righteous deed. Once a year, on Pesach Sheini (Second Passover), we open the box and reflect the extent to which we have brought more light to our communities—and how we might do more.” Tobi’s own Tzedek Box, ZAHRYZ, is his contribution to this powerful practice. His box is comprised of 70 pieces, representing the 70 nations of the world, a Biblical allusion to all of humanity. Like all his ceremonial art, ZAHRYZ is designed to exemplify the three essential elements of a Jewish ritual object: beauty, functionality, and meaning.