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Student Led Initiatives & Connections

We are proud of our students who continue to find creative ways to raise money to support Israel. In the last few weeks, more and more students have undertaken this effort by selling items from cookies to kippot and donating the money to various charities such as Magen David Adom, FIDF, and b’Lev Echad.

Academy students wrote Purim cards for struggling families in Israel in partnership with Latet, the largest NGO combating poverty and food insecurity in Israel. Latet operates the leading national food bank and provides monthly assistance to 95,000 families and 1,450 Holocaust survivors.

Students have responded to a request from alumni serving in the IDF by creating Velcro patches.

We have received photos like this from our alumni chayalim wearing the patches, and it touches us to see that they understand, no matter the distance, their SAR family stands by them during these challenging times.