SAR Academy Hosts Intergenerational Mezuzah-Making Workshop in Support of Displaced Families in Israel

SAR Academy opened its doors to more than 60 students, parents, and grandparents for a meaningful “Dor L’Door” mezuzah-making art workshop led by talented ceramicist and faculty member Dan Harelick. Families worked together during this intergenerational hands-on event to craft beautiful mezuzah covers that will soon make their way to Israel. These mezuzah covers, along with klaphim (scrolls), will be gifted to displaced families in Sderot as they return to their homes or newly rebuilt homes.
In a meaningful address to the families, Principal Rabbi Binyamin Krauss spoke about the significance of the mitzvah of mezuzah – the small scroll containing the shema prayer that the Torah commands us to hang on our doorposts. The mezuzah is a symbol of God’s presence and protection, bringing a sense of holiness to our everyday spaces.
This beautiful event was organized by SAR Academy art director Sharon Black, and led and inspired by art faculty member Dan Harelick.
Those interested in supporting this initiative can help by donating klaphim (scrolls) for these mezuzah covers. Donations can be made at by selecting “Klaphim” from the dropdown.