Welcoming Outspoken Leaders

We came together as Congressman Ritchie Torres, joined by Israeli Special Envoy for Combatting Antisemitism Michal Cotler-Wunsh, held a press conference denouncing anti-semitism and anti-Zionism in our Middle School Beit Midrash. They were joined by local leaders including Assemblyman Jeff Dinowitz, Councilmember Eric Dinowitz, Mark Treyger, Chief Executive Officer of JCRC, Rabbi Matt Abrams Gerber, Chief Operating Officer of the Riverdale YM-YWHA, Rabbi Yonah Berman, Dean of Rabbinic Initiatives, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, and SAR alum Gideon Askowitz who has been very outspoken about the current anti-semitic and anti-Israel climate on college campuses.
Congressman Torres reiterated to our students the importance of the State of Israel and its right to defend itself and that calling for the destruction of Israel is not only anti-Israel but anti-Jewish. “We as a society must come to recognize that anti-Zionism is a modern mutation in the ancient DNA of anti-semitism,” stated Rep. Torres. “October 7th denial is morally no different than Holocaust denial. October 7th denial is a lie and we must confront those lies with the truth.”
The speakers encouraged our students to be proud to be Jewish and of their connection to Israel and not back down. The group then joined us in solidarity as we gathered on the steps to pay tribute to our fallen U.S. soldiers and the sacrifices made by our service people to protect our freedom, in advance of Memorial Day.
We thank our leadership for their ongoing support of Israel. To view a livestream, please click here.