High School Admissions
Welcome to SAR High School Admissions!
At SAR High School we strive to challenge every learner to move beyond his or her comfort limits, in academic, religious, social and co-curricular areas.
We encourage students to probe and engage the world with humility and openness to God’s creations, and to be immersed in a culture of learning and service as participants in the Grand Conversation between Torah and the world. Finally, we seek to shape a school environment where the performance of mitzvot inspires respect, obligation and aspiration. This is our mission.
SAR High School is interested in attracting students who want to be participants in our mission-driven school, and are committed to developing their character, learning and observance as members of the Jewish people and citizens of a democratic society.
We look forward to engaging with you throughout the process.
Our Students:
Prospective students must be prepared to invest a significant amount of energy in both their general and Judaic studies programs, to work collaboratively with other students, and welcome the opportunity to form close relationships with teachers and other staff members. In addition, prospective students should demonstrate behavior indicating their emotional readiness for high school studies and activities.
Our Community:
SAR is interested in attracting students involved in community service activities that demonstrate their commitment to the betterment of the Jewish community and the world.
At SAR we recognize that our students want to broaden their social, religious and academic peer group when entering high school. Therefore we look to assemble a student body comprised both of SAR Academy graduates and students from other Jewish day schools located all over the tri-state area.
How to Apply
Admissions Timeline
Admissions Timeline:
September 2023 – Register for our Open House!
- Be sure to register to attend the SAR High School Open House. The registration link will be available in late August.
SAR High School Open House
- Join us to experience the many offerings at SAR High School and get to know some of our amazing faculty and students.
November 3: Application Deadline for SAR Academy Students
- Application deadline for SAR Academy students only. Upon receipt of an application parents and students will be contacted to schedule an interview at SAR High School. SAR Academy students will come to the SAR High School campus for a welcome day in the Spring.
November 13: Application deadline for all students!
- Application deadline for all students.
- Applications from students who want to transfer into SAR High school from other schools are accepted on a rolling basis, beginning after March 7, 2024.
- Upon receipt of an application parents and students will be contacted to schedule an interview and a half day visit to experience a school day at SAR High School.
November 20: JSAT Exam (Tentative)
- Applicants are required to take the Judaic Studies Achievement Test (JSAT), Level 8 prepared by Consortium of Jewish Day Schools.
- Any questions about registration should be directed to Rabbi Tzvi Daum at [email protected].
- For more information, please contact Shelley Hill at the JEP at [email protected].
January 20: Scholarship Assistance Deadline
- If you will be applying for scholarship assistance, please click here. Parents who submit a scholarship application on or before January 20, 2024 will be informed of the committee’s determination when decision letters are mailed.
- SAR High School will provide scholarship assistance to families who meet application and scholarship assistance deadlines, based on individual need. We seek to ensure that no qualified student is prevented from attending for monetary reasons.
- The scholarship committee meets on an ongoing basis and reviews applications in the order that they are received. The official deadline to submit an application for financial aid is April 17, 2024.
February 15: Decisions letter release date
- Decision letters will be sent via email with instructions on next steps.
March 7: Family Decision Deadline
- Families need to notify SAR High School regarding their decision.
Spring 2024: Placement Exam
- Enrolled students will be invited to take our Placement Exam in the Spring of 2024.
September 2024: Welcome Class of 2028!
Community Parlor Meetings
We invite parents to join us at one of our community Parlor Meetings to learn more about SAR High School in an informal setting and have the opportunity to connect with the school’s faculty and administration. All Parlor Meetings begin at 8:15pm.
Schedule 2023
Bergen County: TBD
Westchester County: TBD
Manhattan: TBD
Queens & Great Neck: TBD
Riverdale: TBD
Transfer Process
Transfer Process
SAR High School will accept applications from interested transfer students into the rising tenth and eleventh grades through Friday, April 15, 2023. Students will be invited to come in for an interview through May 15th and decisions will be sent at the end of May.