Thank you for your interest in SAR! We look forward to engaging with you throughout this process. We urge interested families to attend one of our prospective parent information sessions to learn more about our school and the admissions process.
Apply to SAR Early Learning Center
At the Early Learning Center (ELC), SAR’s school for children ages 2-6, we create a joyous and loving Jewish environment filled with experiential learning, passionate and nurturing teachers, Hebrew immersion, and STEAM-focused curricula.
Apply to SAR Academy (Gr. 1-8)
SAR Academy is a Modern Orthodox co-educational day school dedicated to the belief that every child possesses a divine spark,
Apply to SAR High School
We strive to challenge every learner to move beyond his or her comfortable limits, in academic, religious, social and co-curricular areas.
At SAR, we nurture in our students the understanding that Torah informs who we are in all of our interactions, and how we hold ourselves in the world.
Shabbat Shalom Sting Nation!!! #onlyatthehive
Episode 05 - Maid in Israel - Parashat Chayei Sara
Episode 05 - Maid in Israel - Parashat Chayai Sarah
The Triumph of Life - Rabbi Irving (Yitz) Greenberg Visits SAR Academy - ...11-20-24
Today, our Student Council hosted their second annual Thanksgiving Fair at The ...Hive, and it was a buzzin'! From exciting games and potato sack races to butter churning and delicious food, there was fun for everyone. The highlight was the faculty pie-eating contest, where Rabbi Gottesman defended his title and took home the prize for the second year in a row! #onlyatthehive @sarstudentcouncils
Freshman Swarm is all about building community and creating a home away from ...home for the Class of 2028! From team building to challah baking, learning sessions to ruach-filled games, the weekend was packed with opportunities to bond over shared values. With the guidance of our amazing Senior LEADers and faculty, the Hive buzzed with warmth, connection, and ruach! #onlyatthehive #freshmanswarm #SARHSclassof2028